
Love Step 11

Collect stickers on your door room.

They are endearing reminders of the places you've been or wanted to go to, and of the people around you.
Be inspired with the messages they imply.

Love Step 10

Create a homemade dessert.

For example:

Blended powdered milk and chocolate (Nido & Milo) on crushed ice topped with colorful M&M's chocolates and a stick of Kitkat.

Love Step 9

You don't need to break the window to be able to look outside...

Just open it!

Open your heart to see the beauty of the world that surrounds you.

Love Step 8

Go out!

Don't be a - frog, I mean afraid, to come out from your own sand hole.

Love Step 7

Feed a stray animal.

They sure would love company too, even for awhile.

Love Step 6

Go to a rooftop or somewhere high above the grounds.

Learn to appreciate the wonderful view from the top.

Love Step 5

Work out. Sweat it out!

Become your own superhero by taking care of yourself and being healthy.

Love Step 4

Get a haircut!

Feel fresh, attractive, and renewed.

Love Step 3

Think of a happy place where you can relax and have a peace of mind.

Better yet, go there!

Travel with family, or with friends, or even alone.

Love Step 2

Bring out the inspirational quotes.

You'll be needing a lot of reminders.

One of which is to "Enjoy life!"

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